Monday, October 8, 2012

Cooking and Gardening

One of my sisters convinced me to start a blog on something I've always enjoyed and something I'm discovering about myself for the first time ever.  We grew up with a garden in the backyard and learned at an early age all about pulling weeds. I hated it then, but I enjoy it now. LOL  So, you think I'm crazy.  Not when you have so much on your mind and working in the garden can take all of that away for just a few minutes.  The summer is gone and I'll miss having those fresh vegetables. I think Kevin loves the carrots more then any of them.  Kevin has brought me back to cooking.  A while back I switched him to the Gluten Free diet due to his issues with agitation.  Kevin's Autistic and helping him to live a fuller life to the best of his abilities is my goal.  We're getting there with his diet and you can read all about the changes we have gone through on his blog, but this one is about cooking, gardening and my family.  I'll have to tell you about my adventures with a cast iron dutch oven.  I never saw so much rust.

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