Monday, November 5, 2012

The Right Tools for Baking

I have found out the hard way that having the right tools for baking is very important.  I bought a digital food scale a few days ago and found that I was using too much Brown Rice Flour in my recipe.  It wasn't a lot, but it made me stop and ask the GFCF Group what I was doing wrong.  Now, I wasn't the one in my family that took Home Economics. That was all three of my sisters.  I took art every year. What was I thinking! LOL  Ever since starting my son on the Gluten Free and Casein Free diets I'm the one in my family cooking from scratch.  I guess I could say it's my mothers fault, sorry Mom.  I watched her for years measuring everything with a Liquid Measuring Cup.  It's not her fault really.  I should have realized I was using the wrong measuring cup myself.  I can say if it wasn't for my new handy dandy food scale I never would have found out what i was doing wrong.  My hats off the GFCF Group for realizing right away what I was doing wrong.

So today I made my Chocolate Chocolate Chip Muffins using all the right tools and everything came out delicious.  Next I'm moving on to that Banana Bread I've been working on for the past month.  There just doesn't seem to be enough time in the days anymore.  Even with the time change.  As it is I'm sitting here waiting for a customer to call me back on my real job.  Wait a minute my real job is being a Mom first.  Sorry, boss you come second.  Stay tuned and hopefully I have that Banana Bread listed real soon.  

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