After getting back from a short vacation trip to my sisters I spent this week pulling weeds out of the yard and the garden. With all of this rain we've had the weeds have been hard to keep up with, but for the most part the garden is now weed free. I also cleared out all the stuff that wasn't producing anything and added some fertilizer to help amend the soil. Now it's raining again, which was part of my plan on the fertilizer being put in the other day. This way it will give it a few days to soak into the soil real good before I add new seeds.
Angel watching me work
Hopefully this Sunday I'll have some cabbage, broccoli, beets and maybe brussel sprout seeds in the garden for this fall. I have a list of some other seeds I want to get in, but off the top of my head that's all I can think of. I do want to come up with a better idea on starting seeds indoors before next spring. Best location is either the dining room or the office. I might be able to come up with a plan on the back porch. Might make for an interesting winter. LOL
As for baking, with school out I took a break from that myself. But with school starting soon I'm back into baking again. Yesterday I made my Peanut Butter Banana Muffins, which my mother couldn't resist when she came over this morning. That's always a good indication to me that I made something good. She'll tell me if it's not quite right and help me to try to figure out what's missing. I wouldn't want it any other way.
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