Saturday, October 19, 2013

Aunt B's Skillet Fried Corn

I love corn and I thank god no one in my family has any issues with corn. I've learned over the years from some of my friends that if you are allergic to corn then you have some real problems. Did you know that corn is in paper towels? On top of that it's use in most household cleaners and these companies are not required to label the ingredients on their products. If you have a corn allergy then you have to be extra diligent in every shopping trip.  More so than any other allergy if you ask me. That's just my opinion. I know there are some bad allergies out there.  Anyway, back to the skillet corn.  I made this for the first time for my son Birthday Party/Cookout. We don't do big fancy birthday parties here, just a family get together.  LOL Okay, sometimes with my family that can be big, but for my son that is what he enjoys.  Having family around.

Yesterday at work I was telling Linda, my boss, about the skillet corn and she was saying she loves corn cooked that way. I have no idea why I haven't tried it before.  Is it because we are so use to picking up a can of corn and throwing it in a pan to cook?  I stopped buying can corn last year, because of the high salt/sodium content.  After my mother was having issues with salt I started looking at that on all of my can goods.  Holy Moly, Frozen here I come!  On top of that with frozen I decide how much I want to cook.  With can it's either a big can or a small can.  No, I don't grow corn in my garden.  I tried it once and it took up too much room.  My garden beds are raised beds done in the square foot style.  It can be done, but for me it wasn't worth the space.  Anyway, this is so easy to do and tastes so much better. No you don't need a cast iron skillet. Any skillet will work I just prefer my cast iron.

Aunt B's Skillet Fried Corn

16 oz Bag of Frozen Corn thawed
5 or 6 slices of GF Bacon chopped
1 med Onion chopped

Fry up the bacon in the skillet. I don't fry mine crispy, but if you prefer it that way go right ahead.  Once the bacon is cooked remove it to a paper towel and leave the drippings in the skillet.  Add the onion to the skillet and cooked until tender. I like mine to have a little bit of that golden brown look to it.  Add the corn and the bacon to the onion.  Cover and let it simmer for a few minutes.

A word about the frozen corn. I have added it frozen right to the skillet and I have allowed it to thaw out a little on the counter before adding it.  I think thawing it a little tastes better, but if you forget to take it out of the freezer before hand it will still taste fine. It can take 5 to 10 minutes for the corn depending on if it's frozen or thawed. Try it you might like it.

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