Now during the Christmas holiday my car decided to give out and this is what I mean by life taking over. I had been hoping that I could get it to last a few more months until I got my tax return and had something for a down payment on another car. Brrr car payments... My car was paid off and I haven't had a car payment in 11 years, plus it had been my father-in-laws car before I had it. It had more sentimental value than monetary value to say the least. Being without my car during the holiday break wasn't that big a deal until the boys went back to school. I take one to school and pick both up after school on a daily basis. On top of that my oldest son is Autistic and it's nothing for his teachers to call me and say we need you here right away. Last week I was able to use my brother's truck because he was out of town. This week was a different story all together. He was back and he needed his truck for work himself. I did have to use my next door neighbors car once to get the boys from school, but mostly I just prayed that my oldest would make it through the day. Car shopping stinks when you HAVE to have a vehicle right a way. It took a day and half to find something that my brother felt was going to be a reliable car, so I'm no longer car less thanks to my brother. Sometimes I don't know what I'd do without him.
Anyway back to cooking. Got a little side tracked didn't I. The other day I made these Brussel Sprouts that were so good even my oldest ate them. I plan to make them again and take a picture so you can see how they turned out. So keep an eye out for that to be posted soon. I made my Cinnamon Blueberry muffins one day and they just didn't come out at all. That had me concerned, because I'd created that recipe before I had my scale to measure out my flours. So I wasn't sure if my flour amount was a little off or if the frozen blueberries had too much liquid. As it turns out it was the blueberries. I decided to make them again without the blueberries and they came out just fine. I had run into this problem once before while making banana bread with bananas that I froze, so I wanted to make them without the blueberries first to see if there was too much liquid and not a problem with the flour amount. If you remember I had been using my liquid measuring cup for everything and I would shake it back and forth to level it out. What I was really doing was leveling it out, but also compacting the flour thus using more flour than I thought I was using. I do love my scale and it has made life so much easier. Now that I know how many grams I need for lets say brown rice flour I just put a bowl on the scale and spoon it in until I get to whatever grams amount I need. No more measuring in a cup and leveling it out. Believe me it's a lot faster this way.
Christmas Day |
My New Year Resolution was to get back to baking! My son likes my bake things a lot more than the store bought stuff and it really is less costly in my mind. On top of that I enjoy being in the kitchen. I do hope that all of you had a wonderful holiday season no matter what holiday you celebrate.
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