Thursday, April 4, 2013

Aunt B's Chicken & Peas

I know I haven't posted anything in a while again, but I have my reasons. I've been busy in my garden getting it ready for the season. It's been beautiful here lately, until today. Today is cold and rainy.  We even saw a little sleet this morning.  Here's what I've been up to in the garden.  I bought rabbit wire to enclose the garden this year.  I had it on one of the beds last year, but that made for a lot of bending over the rabbit wire to work in the beds.  With the rabbit wire enclosing the area I can sit on the edge if I want to while pulling weeds.  Yes, weeds get in my beds, too. You know how it is when you mow.  It blows stuff everywhere else you have a bag on the mower or even better a mulching mower.

The old ladder is for the Peas to climb on with strawberries under it.

Why the picket fence? That so my dog, Angel, doesn't run into the rabbit wire in her enthusiasm while chasing the squirrels.  No, she doesn't chase the rabbits. We taught her not to chase them, but she does like to watch them along with the birds. Yeah I can hear her brain working, too.  Nuts! Why can't I chase the Rabbits, too!

On to cooking. Here's a quick and easy meal that Garrett often asks me to make for dinner.

Aunt B's Chicken & Peas

6 - boneless skinless chicken breast
Moore's Original Marinade or Italian Dressing
1 - can of peas or frozen peas
Brown Rice
Chicken Broth

I cut up the chicken into chunks and marinade it in either Moore's Marinade or the Italian Dressing. Whichever one Garrett picks that day or whichever I have on hand. I let it marinade for most of the day and then stir fry it in a large skillet. While I'm stir frying I cook the  peas and the brown rice. The brown rice I cook in chicken broth using the amounts on the brown rice packaging.  I very seldom use water when cooking any of my rices. The chicken broth helps to give it some sort of flavoring.  When it's all done lay a bed of rice in your bowl and pile on the chicken and peas. I add a little gf soy sauce to mine OR in my son's case.  Pile on the chicken, peas and hot sauce!

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